Project Name:
ECO-BOT – Personalised virtual energy assistant
Project Type:
DEXMA Analyse
Eco-Bot aims to utilize recent advances in chatbot tools and advanced signal processing (i.e. energy disaggregation) using low-resolution smart meter-type data with the goal of changing their behaviour towards energy efficiency. Eco-Bot targets to a personalized virtual energy assistant to deliver information on itemized (appliance-level) energy usage through a chat-bot tool, to achieve a higher level of engagement with consumers by adding a more engaging form of interaction with existing platforms that has been proven in different market settings.
This project is funded by the European Commission under the call H2020-EE-2017-RIA-IA, topic EE-07-2016-2017 – Behavioural change toward energy efficiency through ICT.
Estabanell y Pahisa Energia , Erra , adelphi research gemeinnutzige, senercon, dexma , university of strathclyde , plegma labs technologikes lyseis anonymos etairia , uniwersytet ekonomiczny w katowicach, Risa
Total Budget: