Top 11 Energy Management Influencers to Follow on Twitter

Top 11 Energy Management Influencers to Follow on Twitter

Bloggers, journalists, and content creators of businesses focused on energy management are great sources of the latest information on this hot topic. Here we list some of our favourite energy management influencers on Twitter who are experts in the field. These individuals or companies have a deep knowledge of energy efficiency and tweet about ways to achieve it with interesting tips for residential and commercial energy consumers.

Top 11 Energy Management Influencers

 1. @Verdantix

Verdantix is an independent analyst firm helping their clients resolve their energy, environment, and sustainability challenges. They provide information, analysis, and advice. A good example of one of their questions is: ‘Why is strategic energy management essential for competitive financial performance?’ By following them on Twitter, you can get alerts about their latest reports and useful webinars.

2. @EnergyMngrToday

Energy Manager Today is the leading daily trade publication keeping corporate executives fully informed about energy management news, research, and analysis. They also have videos, webinars, and columns, so their Twitter account is a good place to find links to their latest content.

3. @katherinetweed

Katherine Tweed is a freelance writer and editor from the U.S. covering clean technology, environmental issues and health. She writes for Greentech Media, a leading information services provider on the global electricity sector.

4. @DrSteveFawkes

Dr. Steven Fawkes runs a blog on energy efficiency called ‘Only Eleven Percent’. The reason for the blog’s title is explained on his webpage. He’s an energy efficiency and financing expert with some really interesting posts and wise ideas.

5. @HdByrne

Hugh Byrne is a Californian Vice-President and Marketer representing the GreenBiz Group in the U.S. On his Twitter feed, you can find out about sustainable businesses, together with his personal notions and green ideas. GreenBiz provides intelligent, focused content on business, technology, and sustainability.

6. @2degreesnetwork

‘Making Sustainable Business Happen’ is the motto of 2degrees. They have a strong network and collaboration platform where articles are shared on energy efficiency, energy and carbon management, small business, and smart cities. It is considered the world’s largest community for professionals wanting to grow their business by being more sustainable.

7. @makower

Joel Makower is a journalist, bestselling author, and founder of GreenBiz. He is also a global speaker in sustainable business and clean technology. What’s interesting is that he shares articles related to topics such as energy efficiency, climate, sustainability, and management, adding his own particular take on them.

8. @elaineishere

Elaine Hsieh is the Californian Program Director of VERGE program for the GreenBiz Group. She focuses on how technology accelerates sustainability solutions across cities & industries, including energy, buildings, transportation, supply chains, and agriculture. She writes about green building, sustainable communities, and technology issues, with features in the Green Economy Post and The Guardian.

9. @jgarciabreva

Javier Breva is an opinion leader in the European energy sector and a mentor in Spanish policies. He promotes energy efficiency with renewables and auto consumption, energy-saving, energy renovation, and smart cities.

10. @EU_ManagEnergy

ManagEnergy is a technical support initiative of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Commission supporting local and regional sustainable energy actions.

11. @IPEEC

The International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation is an autonomous international forum that provides global leadership on energy efficiency by facilitating government implementation of policies and programs to yield energy efficient gains. IPEEC is dedicated to facilitating rapid deployment of clean energy technologies worldwide and promoting information exchange on best practices to facilitate initiatives that improve energy efficiency.

Now that you have a taste of how top energy management influencers thoughts, insights, and conversations, why not take a real step to become one yourself? By joining DEXMA’s Partner Program, you’ll be well on your way with access to our growing network of partners in over 34 countries, the DEXMA Energy Academy, co-marketing opportunities for lead generation, and more.

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