Big Data and Data Science make up a set of technological strategies used to group and analyse large amounts of data from consumers and the electrical system. It helps detect customers’ consumption trends, their segmentation, and possible preferences to achieve better service and healthier profits.
Category: Blog
Corporate Social Responsibility: Towards Sustainability & Energy Efficiency in Business Strategy
When we talk about Corporate Social Responsibility in companies, do we know what that means? Is your company applying CSR? We clarify these and other doubts in this article.
Utilities: How to become an Energy Manager to the End Customer
If you are an Energy Manager or a Utility, how would you help customers manage their energy to be more efficient? This is exactly what the following article is about, how energy marketers can help their customers save energy and be more efficient by becoming their energy manager:
6 Challenges in the Utility Sector
The arrival of new technologies and digital transformation has forced traditional power utility sector to reinvent themselves and catch the wave of change to stay competitive. In this article, we will outline the main challenges that these companies will face.
Top 10 Content on Energy Efficiency 2019
Energy efficiency and sustainability have been more present than ever this 2019 and we have confirmed it with events such as Sustainable Energy Week, FreeElectron, European Utility Week, COP25, etc. In our last article of the year, we want to review all the content created for the DEXMA Community and have a look at the […]
5 Reasons to go Solar and become more Sustainable
Utilising solar energy might not be the easiest thing in the world, but it’s definitely among the most useful ones. It also makes a lot of sense in the long run, no matter where you live and how sustainable you are. There are lots of benefits to doing so, and every building owner will be […]
6 Clean Energy Startups Making Waves For The Right Reasons
Are you up to date with the latest innovations in the startup world? Here are 6 Startups that have developed very interesting ideas to switch to the side of Clean Energy:
DEXMA Demo Awesome Feature #3: Measurement & Verification
In the previous two articles in this series we showed you how to analyse energy data, pinpoint energy inefficiencies and take advantage of submetering. The next step is what to do to fix these inefficiencies – creating and managing energy efficiency projects. This is known as Measurement & Verification, or as we like to call it, […]
DEXMA Demo Awesome Feature #2: Taking Advantage of Submetering
For Step 2 in your DEXMA Energy Intelligence Demo, we’ll show you how to take advantage of submetering to analyse energy consumption.
How Efficient are Solar Energy Technologies for Buildings
Solar energy, known as “green energy,” has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity over the past few decades. Its utilisation has seen a significant increase in recent times, with more households, offices, and industrial facilities embracing this environmentally friendly power source. The prominence of “photovoltaic energy” has soared in recent years. A staggering 93% of […]