Making your bank’s branches and headquarters consume energy in a smart way is the goal of any bank today. In this article you will discover the phases that a bank must carry out to implement a smart energy plan, highlighting the smart energy control phase.
Category: Blog
How Bank Offices and Buildings Consume Energy
Knowing how buildings work inside is a key to better understanding where energy consumption comes from. In this article, you’ll learn about the types of offices and buildings that banks have today, and how bank offices consume energy.
6 Statistics from The State of Energy Management Report 2019 [Infographic]
At the end of 2018, we launched our annual survey and +300 energy professionals responded. The results can be found in a 14-page report that we have produced in pdf. And, if you take a look at this infographic with 6 outstanding statistics from the survey!! If you find the information below interesting, you can […]
3 Challenges of the Energy Managers in 2019
One more year, the energy manager’s priority is to close more energy efficiency management projects. But while they have the project in their hands, where do they find the greatest difficulties? What challenges do they face during the energy management process? These are some of the questions from our annual survey on the state of […]
The 6 most widely used DEXMA Energy Manager Apps
You must have heard of our DEXMA Energy Intelligence software, and the chances are that you have also tried our Demo. Would you like to know what energy managers like you say are their favourite apps? We’ve examined the data on how the system is used and today we will share the results with you. […]
Top 10 most read Blog Posts on Energy Management in 2018
Another year has run out, full of novelties and energy content. You have probably found thousands of articles about energy, energy management, efficiency, new technologies, and more, but … which were the most searched topics about energy in 2018? We tell you about it below.
What is the State of the Energy Sector? 4th DEXMA Survey on Energy and Innovation
No one knows how an airplane works better than a pilot. Similarly, no one knows more about the energy sector and energy efficiency than those of you who work in the industry everyday. That’s why we invite you to participate in the fourth edition of our annual survey on Energy, Technology and Innovation.
ISO 50001:2018 The 9 Major Updates
The best-known international energy standard, ISO 50001, was reviewed in 2018 for the first time since its creation in 2011. To save you from having to read it again in full, here is a summary of all you need to know about the ISO 50001:2018 standard.
3 Tools that can Ruin your Energy Management Reporting
Reporting on the progress of energy management projects is hard, we know. But there are energy managers out there who are using three very dangerous tools that can potentially destroy your good work. Do you want to know what they are and why they are so dangerous? Keep reading!
Energy Efficiency in Supermarkets: How SUPERSPAR saves +€90k in Energy
Supermarkets are one of the retail sectors with the most energy consumption. It is distributed among the different installations and departments (refrigeration machines, ovens, household appliances on display, etc). You can easily assume high numbers when imagining these energy costs, right? Well, this does not mean that these types of establishments cannot be energy efficient […]