Be a SMARTer Energy Manager | FREE Downloads

Last week we celebrated our last webinar: SMART goals in Energy Efficiency, and it was quite a success! With 100+ registrants, the session was full and if you missed it, I think that this free downloadable content could be interesting for you, keep reading to be an smarter energy manager.

energy managerAnd thanks to all questions and comments that we received, I can say that the session was totally useful for all of us! We basically:

  1. Reviewed the ‘theory’ behind SMART goals methodology (history, definitions, simple examples).
  2. And then we did an analysis of how this goals influenced REAL energy efficiency business cases.

Here it’s important to notice that all attendees valued and congratulated us for the two case studies that we at DEXMA shared during the session. And I don’t think it’s free.

Take the first one, the ‘greenest’ hotel in UK (even though, as we saw during the session, green does not equal to efficient).

And the second one was also impressive. Gamo is a leading manufacturer in its industry and they are high consuming factory. So reading their case study is extremely recommended if you think that reducing your costs and your consume is impossible…

Of course, the analysis made during the session was great thanks to having with us someone who was directly involved in this projects, our Product Director, Daniel Utges.


Both projects have a lot to do with the SMART methodology applied to energy efficiency: they had clear goals, well defined since the beginning. They set up deadlines to achieve the goals, they knew who was in charge of each part of the plan…

If you missed the webinar, or if you want to watch it again, access the video and download the presentation and materials used. It’s free and we are sure that you will find them useful. 

Download Materials