FYI: In Oct. 2019 Energy Grader became DEXMA Detect.
Last week we officially launched the DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) with an online session explaining what the new DEXMA product is about. Do you want to know all the details?
What is the DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader)?
First of all, let’s be clear, DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) is a new DEXMA product. It’s totally free and it helps you to easily and quickly analyse one of your buildings or locations.
After a few months of work and development, DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) offers you an online tool, that, after answering a few questions, performs a consumption analysis and prices benchmark from your energy data and gives you back a free report.
That report, to put it simple, contains:
- Your energy savings potential. This is explained with accuracy and depicts how much money you can save and the % that would mean for your energy cost
- The benchmark of your energy prices against your industry. That way you will know if you’re paying fair prices in your energy bills.
What can you use the report for? Well, that depends on each person. The most immediate use, and our goal at DEXMA by developing the Detect is that you know where to start with your Energy Efficiency plan.
How does the DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) work?
The Energy Grader has 3 basic steps:
- First, an online survey with the minimum questions needed to calculate your potential energy savings.
- Second, a process to calculate your potential energy savings. This step is subdivided in two. First is an automatically performed analysis with Big Data and second Energy Savings Experts take a look at your case, your particular situation, and then adjust your results.
- And finally, the report. A visual and customised report that you receive in 72 hours after completing the survey. In this report you see the potential savings and your energy prices benchmark.
In the first step, the online survey, you need to note that we need at least one of your electricity invoices. But it’s really easy to add them to your survey: you can attach your pdfs, your excel files with the information… The more you send us, the merrier, because our analysis will be more accurate if we have 6 invoices instead of 1.
During the second step, DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) performs a series of Big Data algorithms to analyse your building and your energy consumption against hundreds of buildings similar to yours. Some of this data belongs to locations already using DEXMA Platform. DEXMA aggregates those figures and normalises the measures to compare them with your situation.
But, as we mentioned here before, we also take some data from public data sources with energy data.
Last, but not least, a professional checks your DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader). Why? Well, we love to take in consideration any particular condition that your building might have (you can include anything in your survey). Our Energy Savings Professionals adjust your results according to your specific situation.
Finally, you get your report in your email. Please add a correct email or I won’t be able to send you your results 🙂
If you want to know a bit more about how the DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) works, please check our page.

Why only electricity prices?
I’m glad that you asked this! It’s been a really frequent question and I’d like to use this post to solve it.
The version of the DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) that we launched last week is just the 1.0. In the following weeks we will keep working to add features and possibilities to the tool, like comparison of other sources of energy.
Do you want to be the first on hearing about our development evolution? Subscribe today to our blog.
A final word: you can watch the webinar where I introduced the DEXMA Detect (Energy Grader) last week and access to exclusive content here.