Project Name:
ENOPTUS – Energy loads management SaaS and optimisation of PV resources
Project Type:
DEXMA Control
The aim of this project is to develop a comprehensive solution for real time energy loads management (EV, lighting, HVAC, storage etc.)and optimization of PV resources,in order to set building energy management closer to NZeB (Nearly Zero Energy Buildings) concept .
The system will consist of: 1. Energy loads management SaaS with integrated advanced decision support functionalities and system predictions algorithms, 2. Energy optimization hardware controllers (based on IoT communication standards) with integrated undertaking algorithms for control actions on selected loads.
This project is funded by Centro para el Desarrollo Industrial (CDTI) and Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, inside Eurostars call.
DEXMA, Razvojni center enem , COMSA emte
Total Budget:
1.387.120 €